Like to make your house safe for your family? 

Ensuring your switchboard is up to date and compliant with safety standards will provide you with peace of mind when it comes to protecting your family. 

Another way to ensure your family's safety is to create a safe play space for your children by mounting your TV on the wall. Having the wires, outlets an antenna cables installed behind the TV ensures no little fingers can be caught and also provides an organised living area.

Outdoor sensor lighting is a simple way to create a secure environment for your family at night. Turning on when someone approaches makes the dark trip from the car brighter and safer.

Contact us today to ensure your house is safe for your family.


Ways to save on your energy costs?

Simple ways to save on your energy costs include turning off your appliances at the PowerPoint when not in use, energy efficient heating and cooling, replacing old light fittings with new energy efficient ones.

Simply changing the temperature setting on your split system can save you money. In the summer set your air conditioner between 23 dash 25 degrees and in winter between 18 dash 20 degrees. This ensures I comfy temperature all year round without the big costs attached. Installing energy efficient lighting, heating and cooling can save on your bills.

Contact us today to find ways to reduce your electricity spend.


Want to make your house more energy efficient?

Simply swapping at out your halogen downlights 2LED will ensure your house is energy efficient and will save you money on your electricity bills. By installing energy efficient heating and cooling you will insure your house is helping to lower emissions. We recommend using a split system that has up to date inverter technology. This will also help reduce your living costs.


Another way to make your house more energy efficient is by having your outdoor lighting on timers and installing sensors. This ensures they turn off automatically if no one is using them. Sensors also provide a level of security, turning on when someone approaches.

For more information please contact Mickle Electrical.


Energy Efficient heating and cooling

As the cost of gas and electricity continues to increase it is important to find energy efficient solutions to suit your family's needs and budget. At Mickle Electrical we can assist in providing energy efficient heating and cooling by upgrading your current split system to a newer, more efficient model. This will not only save on energy costs but also increase the effectiveness of the heating and cooling system in your home.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you achieve a more energy efficient home

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